Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Lesson from Kings of Israel

2 Chronicles 33 - 36 reminds me of the consequences of rebellion towards God. There it talks about 7 kings of Israel. Some walked with God and some were considered "evil kings" in God's opinion.

King Manasseh started that way. He was an evil king. "But Menasseh led Judah and the citizens of Jerusalem off the beaten path into practices of evil exceeding even the evil of the pagan nations that God had earlier destroyed."

Manasseh was captured into slavery to Babylon. Here is the cool part: "Now that he was in trouble he went to his knees in prayer asking for help - total repentance before the God of his ancestors. He prayed, God was touched; God listened and brought him back to Jerusalem as king." Isn't that cool! God shows us that He is in total control. He listens when we surrender in total repentance to HIM. I know. He did that to me before many times. Thank you God! You are awesome.

Do you know that God can be touched by our prayers? He was touched by the prayer of Manasseh. He can be touched by my prayer. Wow.

Another cool king was king Josiah. After finding God's Word written in a an old book, he read it publicly to the entire nation. "The King solemnly committed himself to the covenant: to follow God believingly and obediently; to follow his instructions, heart and soul, on what to believe and do; to confirm with his life the entire covenant, all that was written in the book."

God thank you for these reminders of how you respond to a repentant heart. Help me to follow you believingly and obediently with my heart and soul.

Thank you for Jesus!

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