Monday, April 30, 2007

Think It Over

Haggai - A prophet brings a message from God to rebuild the temple. A challenge to think your life over. What is important in your life? What have you done to serve God?

"Take a good, hard look at your life.
Think it over.
You have spent a lot of money,
but you haven't much to show for it.
You keep filling your plates,
but you never get filled up.
You keep drinking and drinking and drinking,
but you're always thirsty.
You put on layer after layer of clothes,
but you can't get warm.
And the people who work for you,
what are they getting out of it?
Not much—
a leaky, rusted-out bucket, that's what.

7That's why God-of-the-Angel-Armies said:

"Take a good, hard look at your life.
Think it over."

8-9Then God said:

"Here's what I want you to do:
Climb into the hills and cut some timber.
Bring it down and rebuild the Temple.
Do it just for me. Honor me.
You've had great ambitions for yourselves,
but nothing has come of it.
The little you have brought to my Temple
I've blown away—there was nothing to it.

The message of God is to do work for God. Whatever little I did - did not last. There is always more to do. My life needs to be constant life for God. Constant work for God in whatever I do. Reflect on your life. What have I done for God? Not out of duty, or a way to earn anything - because I can't. Only as a way of my expression of my gratitude and love towards Him.

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